ogg chat reviews

Oggchat’s key feature is its flexibility to integrate directly with Google Talk and other instant messenger plus its mobile support for Iphone, BlackBerry and Android. It is also fully customizable, rich in features and believed to boost sales and improve customer service.

Setting up Oggchat on your website is not that tricky. (But in some ways, it is!) Once you’re logged in with Oggchat, you’ll be redirected into a dashboard where you can see information pertaining to your subscription like the number of agents the subscription supports and the chat window status. The next thing is to create agents who can receive chats via IM.


To create separate chat windows for the sites you manage, you need to select the “Chat Window Link” in the left column of the dashboard. Next is you can preview how it will look like, then select “Generate Code” to copy the code snippet to be inserted or include into your website.Since OggChat has skill based and department based chats, live chats can be routed to a specific agent both in the same department or to other departments. Visitors can select which agent they want to chat, and the chat requests will be routed to the assigned operators in any department.
It is also possible to transfer chats to other available operators and that’s from your Instant Messenger window. Everything happens in real time without interrupting the client chat.



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